Learn How To Dominate Crypto In 2022 

💰 Make Millions This Crypto Bear Market 💰 

Your Biggest Regret in 2022
Will Be "Not Investing Crypto"

 We Teach you EXACTLY how to Profitably Invest & Trade Cryptocurrencies without feeling overwhelmed or making costly mistakes
 Join our community of more than 500+ successful clients that are already making 20%-200% returns per trade using our stratergies! 

What Will You Learn?

✅ The Fundamentals and Understanding of Crypto & Blockchain Technology

✅ All the Investment Tools and setup you need to be successful 

✅ What Projects to invest into to get maximum ROI

✅ When to Buy & Sell Your Investments 

✅ Proper Risk Management To Protect Your Profits 

✅ Develop a Personalised Investment Plan for Your specific situation 

✅The Mindset of a Successful Investor 

as seen on

What Makes Our Clients So Successful?

There really is no "secret" to it – my team and I are simply hyper-attentive to details and solely focussed on results. Here's what 93% of our clients say were the most instrumental ingredients to their success:

Proper System & Guidance

It all starts with the foundation – faulty system, faulty results. Starting with a proven game plan that hundreds of our clients have already successfully executed and gotten results with makes a big difference. Especially when you're starting out in the volatile crypto market. 

Speed of Implementation

Instead of wasting weeks for the "perfect time to start", we make sure our clients take action. Gaining momentum takes energy. Knowing that there's an early "phase of inertia" when you start learning about trading, the key is to get the ball rolling fast, and keep the momentum.

Developing Skills For A Lifetime

People who are able to achieve long-lasting changes in their lives, do so because they have developed a tangible skill set above mere step-by-step-instructions that stop at any given stage. They can self-reliantly adjust to immediate changes in their environments.

Winner Community 

You're going to be influenced by the people you spend the most time with. This is why it's much easier to make leaps and bounds when there's an active community of fellow successful traders. Meeting like-minded people and getting help from a smart coaching team is another plus.

Mental Shifts & Breakthroughs

We often deal with old, archaic thought patterns and limiting beliefs in ourselves that don't suit us as we're growing. Part of our job is to also deliver mental transformation and get you to the next level. Within a short amount of time, our students learn to think differently about the world, their trading, and themselves.

Continuous Improvement

We don't leave things "as is". The status quo is to be challenged. New strategies are to be tested and observed in the real world before we present it to our clients. New findings and better procedures are quickly implemented in order to be most up-to-date, so all of our trainings are continuously improved. 


Listen To My Loyal Clients 

Who Is Conrad Johnston?

Conrad Johnston with Florian Sondershausen (CEO of the German market) 

Conrad & Florian - with part of the Team in Koblenz Germany 

Conrad first started trading Cryptocurrency back in 2019 and has since gone on to become a full-time trader travelling the world and living a life of freedom.

In 2020 he turned $5743 into 6 figures+ by actively trading Crypto and utilising his knowledge and experties to find those hidden gems early, like MATIC at $0.01 which then went on to 100x. 

Backed by the demand of the community, in 2021 Conrad went on to start his own private mentoring program to help educate and equip others in the world of Cryptocurrency and Trading. He has since gone on to share his wealth of knowledge around technical and fundamental analysis with other ambitious and committed traders. 

Together with his team of 10+ full time experts, he has been able to successfully work with over 500+ Clients across the German and English market, establishing himself as one of the industry leaders and running the operation out of his head office located in Koblenz Germany. 

Full Tour of our Head Office:

Would You Like To Learn More? 

Then feel free to check out our social media accounts on which we’re releasing new, valuable and free content multiple times a week.

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